Sunday, June 14, 2009

How to handle losing in Poker and in real life

If you're interested in playing Poker specifically Texas Holdem Poker and is religiously checking out this blog to read about my Poker journey then you might have observed that I've been losing on the different tournaments I've participated in and even in regular cash games and may led you to conclude that Poker is plain gambling and you're bound to lose. That would be a big mistake.

Yes, there are times that you lose in Poker. Even the greatest Poker players like Doyle Brunson, Phil Gordon, etc. lose money. This is why I relate Poker to life itself as in life there are time that whatever you do, you lose... It's not about losing and winning. It's about how you properly handle your victories and your defeats both in life and Poker and in any other endeavor as well. Michael Jordan, the basketball legend, experienced losing in the game as well. Tiger Woods, the golf legend, experienced the same as well. Roger Federer, the tennis legend, experienced this also. Winning and losing is a part of Poker. It's a part of life in general.

The lesson to learn here is how to professionally handle the defeats you experience in Poker and hopefully you'll be able to do the same in other aspects of your life as well. To win in Poker, you just have to consistently learn more about the game and consistently apply all your learnings and pray that Lady Luck supports you as well. As they say, "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity."

Poker is a very profitable career (whether part time or full time) if you know how to play the game and how to properly manage your winnings and losings. But just like any career there are those who emerge as the winners and losers. To consistently become a winner in Poker and in any other career or endeavor the basic thing is... learn everything about the craft and apply it.

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